Miyerkules, Oktubre 30, 2013

Lazada Philippines Review: Why is it easier to shop online for most customers?

We always love to shop – it is pretty common to any local consumers here in the Philippines. I think it all roots to how our parents showed us that online shopping is fun to do with the family. However, we don’t necessarily like the process along the way like spending time in traffic going to the location of the mall. It is also consumers a lot of our time and energy as we pick which items to buy for us. We don’t even realizing we even spend some of our money in gas expense and even for dining inside the mall restaurants. This is a clear picture that it is not so bad to have an alternative option to address our needs in shopping.  With the penetration of technology and Internet usage, it became apparent for some business owners to put their business online, one of which is online mall. However, since this is something out of the norm, people tend to ask if this “online shopping” is the real deal. Of course, if we are going to try something that we have never done before, it is only natural for us to think of the pros and cons of doing online shopping instead.

Over time, online mall's credibility always is one key factor that matters to customers if ever they would consider online shopping. Actually, a lot of us are not at ease when it comes to online shopping since we are all aware of the evident online scams and frauds that are happening around the globe. Another factor is that the majority of the population doesn't have their own credit cards, online shopping is even hard for most people. Moreover, it makes first time online shopping prospects more doubtful in proceed with their online shopping. Actually, there are certain measures that customers conduct like if the online stores have a safe and secure line for credit card transactions. These are actually factors that customers usually refer to when deciding where to shop. This drastically changed when Lazada was launched in the Philippines a year ago. Upon Lazada's arrival in the country, they brought in an Ecommerce solution in the local online market. They introduced a unique payment method that will help solve both of the major issues in Ecommerce. They named it Cash on Delivery or C.O.D. as many refers to it. This payment method makes customers feel that they are secured when shopping on their website.

The local online customers can actually try their service since they won't risk too much on their end such as giving away their credit card details and paying in advance. So how will this help customers make their shopping easier? The local online consumers can visit their website and check their huge selections. Customers who already know what to buy on the website won't need to pay it right away. For customers who opted for Cash on Delivery as their payment method, they will only need to fill a few details before their orders are processed without spending a single dime upfront. Customers can relax as soon as they provide their shipment details and wait for its arrival which is around two to five days upon order date. It is only when local customers received their order as it is handed over to them upon delivery that they are required to pay in cash. Free delivery is only available once order exceeds one thousand pesos. Customers can keep their money up until their orders arrived which is good thing from a customer’s angle.

Lunes, Oktubre 28, 2013

Lazada Review: The past dilemma in online shopping

Local online users had a hard time accepting Ecommerce in the past due to the limitation to pay online. Possessing cash in your pocket and not being able to do shopping online because you are unable to pay via online is quite silly to me. It is unheard of that a customer will be hold to buy even if they can literally pay for it in cash. It is not hard to realize that online users can get more convenience in online shopping. It is also allows them to preserve their time and energy while at the same time save more money from usual travel expense. Shopping online does have some requirements unlike shopping offline where customers just need cash to pay and finalize the transaction.

As a matter of fact, the local Ecommerce industry wasn't looking good then compared now. It actually gave benefit to the local Ecommerce industry when website like Lazada arrived in the country. It is highly likely that almost all of us have seen their ads online. Their ads show on the Internet's top 2 websites namely Facebook and Google. It definitely helped them earn some recognition from the local online users. What makes them stand out is that they give their customers some flexibility unlike on other online stores. They offer guarantees and actually provide manufacturer warranty to what they may be selling. This is to show the local online customers that they are not different from traditional malls.

It gives customers freedom and assurance that they can feel safe when buying from their online store. Their penetration in the local Ecommerce made it even easier for them by giving customers security on the products they are buying.  It’s a good thing that they regularly offer promos and discounts unlike on traditional malls, which only offers it during occasional business, events or celebrations. Their flexible payment options are the deciding factor on why customers will pick online shopping over traditional shopping. Their introduced Cash on Delivery is the top option for most customers given that most of us are non-credit cardholders or don't have a PayPal account.

This allows anyone to become Lazada customers regardless of their online payment capabilities and limitations. All they need to do is just visit online and order anything from their website without even having to worry about paying in advance thru the very common credit card payment methods. All they need to do after figuring out what to buy from the website is leave their shipment address and recipient name. They will deliver their customer's order within two to five days. They will only require their customers to pay cash only once their orders are handed over to them in real time.

With this kind of setup, it is safe to say that online shopping takes a mile ahead over offline shopping. Not to mention, Lazada is willing to waive shipment fees as long as the order transaction is above one thousand pesos. Combining Cash on Delivery with Free Delivery availability makes online shopping an easier alternative option for anyone. After all, these two actually single handedly solved the Ecommerce woes that plagued the country for the past few years. Nowadays, Filipinos are now open to online shopping.

Lazada Philippines Review: Pushing for the era of online shopping

Shopping is always something that people won’t remove from their lifestyle. No matter if the shopping is for luxury or necessity, people really enjoy buying what they need and want. It’s something that was passed on by the earlier generation. However, this generation is actually different as it can be done in online as well. Online shopping is a very helpful alternative for people in address their shopping needs. Time won't matter anymore for people who want to shop at their discretion. They live in lifestyle where they prefer to live life at night. Normally, these are the people who work at night or called by many as “graveyard shift”. They are only free when mall hours are actually closed. Traditional malls are just not available for them unlike for people like us who work on regular hours. They only manage to visit traditional malls during weekends only.

For people who work under this weird schedule, it is really hard for them to get access on these traditional malls. It's a good thing for them that online shopping is getting popular now in the country. A lot of established offline businesses are now shifting to online. Surprisingly, this only occurred since last year in the country. By the time Lazada had arrived in the country, their competitors showed up from nowhere. Their arrival makes them one of the first online malls to arrive here. They can also be seen in other South East Asia countries. Ecommerce quickly have risen once Lazada arrived into the local online scene. It can't be helped to learn that they made a huge impact on the local online scene.

It actually made sense for any online business to try the local online market given that competition is very low. It's harder for them on how to tell local online users to check their lazada.com.ph website. Most online users are not a fan of online payment that's why online users are hard to convert to customers. It's just really hard to trust online since credit card details might be compromised if used online. The majority of the population here in the country doesn't even have their own credit cards. It slowed down the Ecommerce growth in the country. This doesn't mean that the local consumers are unaware of local online payments.

We tend to consider the risk only when dealing with online stores. It's only because we don't give online malls a chance. We just tag local online malls as big online scam right away without even giving it a change to view the inside of the website. It's safe to say that combing these two is a huge problem for online businesses in the market. Lazada came up with a solution to solve these issues that had derailed the growth of Ecommerce for so long. They were able to come up with Cash on Delivery or C.O.D. as an alternative payment method to their customers. Payment with them is not required to be right away and customers can keep it up until they receive their orders.

Huwebes, Oktubre 24, 2013

Lazada Review: Ecommerce industry had upward shift in the Philippines

Did you ever wonder that shopping will be available online back when Internet was just starting to be introduced to the world? A lot of us even didn’t think Internet could be more than what it initially was introduced for. Fast forward to present, a lot of us didn’t see it coming after all looking back during its early days. What is amazing is to know that shopping can be done online. It easily is the fastest and easiest way of addressing any customer’s shopping needs. However, most of us usually asking online shopping this question first, will online shopping be able to level with the satisfaction we get from traditional shopping? Most of us would have avoided online shopping if this was asked a few years ago. Online malls should have the credibility to back them in order for customers to even consider them. It is obvious that online malls then needed to take an extra effort to matter to the online users.

But it can’t be helped that most of us are worried about getting scammed in online that's why we try avoid shopping online at most times. Not having a credit card makes online shopping more difficult for online customers. As a customer, it's pretty easy to understand on why customers won't easily budge in shopping online. It matters to customers that online shop they are dealing with have a secured credit card line. A lot of these are weighed in before customers proceed with online shopping. The local Ecommerce industry had upward shift ever since Lazada came into the picture last year in the Philippines.

Lazada arrived in the country with a solution to solve the Ecommerce issues in the Philippines. Their alternative payment method solved both of the major issues in the local Ecommerce. They call this payment method Cash on Delivery or C.O.D. Customers will feel secured with this kind of payment setup with them. Credit card detail of customers doesn't need to be surrendered and will allow them to try their website without risking too much on their end. How can this help their shopping more conveniently? Local online consumers can easily check their huge selections on their website. It is not a requirement for their customers to pay right away as soon as they are decided on what to buy.

Unlike conventional online stores, customers are not required to pay upfront before their orders are processed. Once customers provide their delivery details, they can now just relax and wait for their orders to arrive at their home. Upon delivery and as order are handed over to local online customer, that's the only time they are required to pay cash in real time. As long as it exceeds one thousand pesos, delivery fee will be covered by them. With this setup, customers will be assured that they are covered since they won’t need to pay right away until their order arrives on their address. It's actually surprising to see that an online store will agree to have this kind of setup with their customers.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 23, 2013

Lazada Philippines Review: Making online shopping as valuable option to customers

We all love be connected online. It is something that we usually demand as we continue on our daily activities. Ever since it became available to us, it made a lot of our usual activities way easier and faster. As a matter of fact, even traditional shopping was translated to online. Nowadays, people can shop anytime and from where they are as long as they have Internet connection with Internet capable device. However, most of us ask if the service from both online malls and offline malls comparable? Online shopping would have been rejected if it was offered a few years back. It is essential that online malls have good credibility in order for customers to consider them. It's just hard to ignore that those online frauds and scams happen making online customers avoid online shopping.

The majority of the population doesn't have their own credit cards, which makes it harder for online shopping. It takes a lot of convincing from online malls to lure local customers for online shopping. Having a secured credit card online is very important for an online store have. These are the issues that online customers consider before going with online shopping. It all changed ever since Lazada was launched in the country just a year ago. After their arrival, they had a solution on how they will solve the Ecommerce woes of the country. This alternative payment method is their solution for both of the major Ecommerce woes in the country.  This was called Cash on Delivery or C.O.D. payment method.

With this kind of payment setup, customers won't worry and will definitely feel secured. Their service can be tested without having too much risk since they won't be demanded to pay via credit card and give away their cred card details. How will customers be able to use this easily for them? The local online customers can check the lazada.com.ph website and browse through their huge selection. There is no need to pay right away in case customers figured out which one they want to buy. Once the customer selects the “Cash on Delivery” as the form of payment method, the website only asks only a couple of details from them which is the name of the recipient of the order and the preferred shipping address.

After giving out their details, all they need to do is to sit back and relax until delivery arrive which usually takes two to five days but some get it as early as on the same day. As order packages are handed over to customers that’s the only time they will need to pay for their orders via cash payment. Assuming the order value is more than one thousand pesos, delivery fee will be covered by them. This is a great security for customers since they get to keep their money up until their orders arrived at their doorstep. Online stores usually have the advantage on these online deals, which makes these setup very unconventional.